Our vision: To pursue unity, leadership development, and growth among the churches of Christ in Alaska.

Our Ministry

We are primarily focused on equipping congregations around the state for the work of ministry. In a state with a population of about 730,000 people, there are ~ 17 congregations in Alaska. Due to the size of the state, many of these congregations are spread out and isolated.

    1. Alaska needs intentional connection between churches throughout the state.

    2. Alaska needs intentional leadership development.

    3. Alaska needs more churches to be planted.

    1. We will focus on preaching, teaching, and encouraging congregations around the state.

    2. We will focus on participating in and developing more state-wide events.

    3. We will focus on providing connection and resources for preachers.

    4. We will focus on the leadership development of both individuals and congregations.

    5. We will focus on youth and young adults around the state.

    6. We will focus on equipping the Valley Church of Christ for ministry and mission.